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Moving towards an more accessible and inclusive future

Access & Inclusion

Our Committment
Our goal is to dismantle the barriers to dance, and we are committed to sharing experiences that invite all people to connect with dance.

Venue Info

Dancenorth is located on the corner of Walker and Stanley Streets in Townsville City.
The ground floor of the venue is fully accessible, this includes the Dancenorth Theatre, foyer, bar, main offices and wheelchair accessible toilet. The main entrance is located at Stanley Street and accessible via wheelchair lift.
There is a drop off area outside the Clarion Hotel on Stanley Street, 50m from our main entrance.
Please note, the upstairs Dancenorth Studio is only available via a steep flight of stairs. Occasionally our in-house classes take place in the Dancenorth Studio. Please contact Dancenorth prior to your visit to confirm class location for that week.
Phone: (07) 4772 2549

Wheelchair Bookings

Accessible seating is available for performances in our Theatre. Seating is located at the front row, level with the stage.
These seats are not available to book online. Please contact us directly to make a booking at least 24 hours prior to the event.
Phone: (07) 4772 2549

Auslan Interpretation

Auslan interpreted performances are for audiences who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing and use Australian Sign Language (Auslan).
Experienced Auslan interpreters stand to the side of the stage and interpret dialogue and any text into Auslan, signing live. Audiences requiring this service are seated in the section closest to the interpreter to ensure good sightlines.
Please contact us if you require Auslan Interpretation for an event or performance.
Phone: (07) 4772 2549

Service Animals

Dancenorth warmly welcomes assistance animals.

All Gender Bathrooms

We're committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for our community at Dancenorth, which includes transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people.
Access to safe toilets is a fundamental aspect of this, which is why we offer all-gender bathrooms. Some of the bathrooms contain stalls and urinals, while others contain stalls only.
Look out for our signage which communicates what facilities are in each bathroom.
All visitors are entitled to use the bathroom of their choice

Visual Story

Dancenorth Australia - Visual Story


Support us
Our mission is to build local, national, and international connections and resilience through dance for all to thrive.