Inspire Your Creativity
Deeper than Dancing

Across three years, Deeper than Dancing welcomed local Townsville communities to step boldly and bravely outside their comfort zone to experience the creative process in action. Developed and supported by local partners, this was a safe and inclusive environment for people to immerse themselves in creativity and art-making experiences.
Through movement classes, workshops, conversations and gatherings, the project unfolded organically as we journeyed through shared creative processes, leading us toward performances and events where we can collectively celebrated and shared with one another and the broader community.

Initial Experiences
Deeper than Dancing commenced softly in 2021, with a handful of experiences for our dedicated Still Dancing and Vital Dance communities, including a special matinee performance of RED as well as workshops designed to extend our shared experience beyond our weekly dance classes. In one, we shared food and photographs, recipes and memories, getting to know one another more deeply and gently opening the opportunity towards creative collaboration and new ideas.
Another Deeper than Dancing event was scheduled to coincide with the inaugural Community Experience Secondment intensive. On the second day of the program, members of our open-class community joined the eight young artists for a creative workshop, followed by lunch – an invaluable opportunity for learning and exchange, on both sides.
Workshop facilitators included Alice Lee-Holland from Dancenorth and Andrea Dighton from Dancenorth.

Creative Workshops
Dancenorth invited people with and without disability to take part in creative arts workshops from April through to June 2022.
As part of our Deeper than Dancing project, these workshops were designed as an introduction to the creative process. Each workshop focused on a specific theme and explored these ideas through creative tasks spanning dance, text and visual art. Participants worked collaboratively and were encouraged to develop their own artistic interests and instincts, during the process.
Workshops were facilitated by local artists who are experienced in guiding people safely and sensitively through new arts experiences. Each workshop was a stand-alone event, participants may choose to attend, one, two or all workshops offered.
This opportunity was ideal for energetic and imaginative people, with and without disability, who were curious to express themselves through movement, words and/or images, and create new art ideas with friends.
Workshop facilitators included Alice Lee-Holland from Dancenorth, Isabella Stone from Drill Performance Company, and Jeanette Hutchinson from Diffraction Collective.
Inclusive Workshops
Dancenorth Australia invited people with disability to a creative workshop series in November 2022. The November workshops led to a performance at Dancenorth in celebration of International Day of People with Disability 2022. Each workshop was a stand-alone event. Participants could choose to attend as many workshops as they like.
These workshops focused on sensory experiences – touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste. We turned these experiences into art and movement. Local artists led the workshops. The artists are experienced in guiding people through new art experiences.
This opportunity was ideal for energetic and imaginative people with disability aged 16+. It is for those who are curious to express themselves and make new friends.
Workshop facilitators included Alice Lee-Holland from Dancenorth, Jordan Galliott from Dancenorth, and Andrea Dighton from Dancenorth.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Will the Workshops Involve, and Why 4 Hours?
I Can Only Attend One or Two Workshops, Is That Ok?
Can I Attend Just the Morning, or Just the Afternoon?
What Are the Accessibility Details for the Venue?
What Further Creative Opportunities Will Dancenorth Provide for People With Disability?