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Jordan Galliott

Community Experience Coordinator


Originally from the Noongar Nation in Western Australia, Jordan is a dance teacher who delights in facilitating joyful, energetic and imaginative experiences in community spaces. She currently coordinates the Community Experience program for Dancenorth along with their well-balanced and generous teaching team. Jordan is a big believer that dance is for everyone, and that community connection is essential for wellbeing. With dance and deep, true care for the experiences of others, she is seeking to cultivate some ease and sweetness in people’s lives and connect them with the mind-blowing, heart-opening work of Dancenorth.


Jordan studied contemporary dance at Central Queensland University and as a secondee with Dancenorth. She also has a great love for Egyptian dance, in which she has been a guest and worked since 2011, performing in the U.S.A, Indonesia and Egypt, as well as across Australia. She is currently wildly obsessed with finding new ways to use dance to help people access and tell their own stories on their own terms.